We’ve planted new plants in March

 Ok so it was 27th March 2022. The sun had been shining for nigh on two weeks. Surely it’s ok to plant new plants? Well only time will tell… 

New sleeper border with our new plants

So over the weekend we completely remodelled the left hand flower bed. Previously the border was wavy and the soil was on a slant. I built in wooden sleepers to the lawn soil border ensuring the border was now cut straight. Then we topped the soil with compost and levelled it off. Hopefully this will encourage our plants to bloom this summer. 

Before the border upgrade

Looking at it right now, I can’t imagine the growth we will hopefully get. We’ve planted a camellia, two clematis, two purple senetti, a rhododendron, rose along with various others. 

Border work in progress…

All was going well until I checked the weather forecast and DISASTER we are due a frost at night from Wednesday to Friday. To say we’re worried is an understatement. We plan to wrap them in plastic bags to preserve them in their infant state… fingers crossed…
