Building a log pile

 Log piles are so useful in your garden for many reasons. They add to the biodiversity of your garden, encourage bugs and insects by giving them a home and things to feed on, plus they can attract birds who will feed upon these aforementioned insects. 

My log pile… it’s bigger than this now! 

I decided it was time for me to get my own log pile. Well, I saw log pile. It is more of a stick pile to be honest. However, the Royal Horticultural Society said it doesn't matter how big or small it is- so that was my licence to get going. I just needed some wood. 

Hmmm... where would I get that from? If you are lucky enough to have quite a few well established trees in your garden then maybe you have sticks that have blown free from the tree that you could use. However, I don't have this just yet- although it is a dream! However, it turned out not to be a problem. 

Every evening I go for a walk around my estate. There is a small park with a few trees. I had never noticed before just how many sticks there are just lying around! There was easily enough sticks to start off my log pile- I will be adding to it as time goes on. The only thing I would say it that you don't pull any sticks that are already attached to the tree! 

Once you have your sticks, pick a spot in your garden that is shaded and not in full sun- the moister the better- to give the insects the best environment to thrive. If you place it in full sun, they will eventually dry out, which is no good for the insects. 

Then simply pile them up as I have done in the picture and add to it over time. After some time, the bottom logs will rot into your soil, adding nutrients at the same time. So everyone is a winner. 

Clematis seems as though it may flower soon

The weather today has been raining all day long. I'd normally be annoyed at this but I was pleased because it meant the flower beds would be getting plenty to drink. I forked the soil too as we suffer from highly compacted soil about 4-6 inches beneath the surface. If I don't fork it, the soil sets like concrete and nothing grows. I also forked a particular wet patch on the lawn too. Hopefully that will help the drainage. Temperature was approximately 10 degrees. 
