Cutting the lawn edgings and general raking and weeding

 So another evening’s gardening tonight and I managed to get quite a bit done. 

Firstly came the lawn edgings. I haven’t cut them for a few years and they had become unsightly. 

As a consequence, I marked my cut line so it was straight and began cutting with my half moon edging iron. 

After using the half moon edging iron to cut my front lawn edging 

Before cutting- aren’t they scruffy?!

After- looking neater! 

I’m hoping to bring the lawns back to their former glory this year. 

Also I managed some raking of the flower beds too just to get rid of a few weeds that I missed yesterday and to break up the soil after a long winter. 

Hopefully soon the plants will begin to grow. 

Still looking a bit scruffy but in a few weeks this will all be different 
Looking a bit uninspired but this will change. Red Robin is flowering 
I left some food for the birds…
